1、memo: memo是memorandum缩写,因此也可以用memorandum,此外还有internal memorandum和interoffice memorandum,其意思都是一样的。
to:mr. john smith,sales manager
changes in travel advance form
promotion of staff
vacation schedule
participation in training programmes
miss wang ,
i've got an urgent meeting today. please contact the applicants to postpone the interviews till further notice.
1 告知信息 inform
2 布置安排 arrange
3 征求意见 request
4 询问信息 enquire
5 求助申请 apply
6 推荐建议 suggest
1 告知信息类
as a result of our merger with mason&co., the name of our company will be changed masongolding. please start to use the new name on 1 march 2006. you are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.
to: all staff
from: the training manager
date: 1 march 2005
subject: a foreign language training course
i was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. it will start on 15 march and will last 2 weeks. those who will deal with orders should attend this course.
2 布置安排类
i need to have an urgent meeting with pierre blanco of our paris office tomorrow. please book a return ticket to paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible. during my absence, please keep me informed of the progress of the project. if there is anything urgent, give me a phone call.
作文1:dear ms jones,
i am writing to inform you that mr peter watson will be visiting our company. would you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him?
yours sincerely
作文2:hi mary,
look. i’m really sorry to have to trouble you but peter watson – a really important client – is visiting the company for three days in october, starting on 22nd, to discuss a contract with us. please will you book for mr watson a really nice hotel room as soon as possible? thanks very much.
see you soon!
作文3 mary,
mr peter watson is visiting us in october. could you please hire a hotel room for him? he is arriving on 22nd october and will stay for three nights. if possible, the hotel should be one near the office. thank you.
3 询问信息类
i am writing to enquire about the reason of the late delivery of the ordered components. we need the components by next monday. in order to smooth our cooperation, i suggest that we have a meeting to discuss future deliveries.
4 征求意见类
i am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 august, starting from 9am. please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.
do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?
i welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.
5 求助申请类
i am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. i found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. as a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?
to: nick johnson
subject: presentation skills seminar
i would like to attend a seminar on 3 april.
it is about presentation skills. since i have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful.
could you tell me if it’s possible to take time off work to attend this seminar?
6 推荐建议类
to: anna jay
subject: talk next friday
i would like to give the talk suggested by you and i think 9.30am, after the break, would be the perfect time. please give me some information about the people participating.
第四讲 商务信函(上)
1 读者不同 对内/对外
2 信息点数量 3/5
3 阅读量 小/大
4 字数要求 40-50 / 120-140
(4)措辞是否简明、准确、礼貌? ·
referring to previous contact:
thank you for your letter of/dated ….
with reference to
further to
in reply to
stating the reason for writing:
i am writing to enquire about …
to confirm that …
to apologise for/about…
in reply to your …
with reference to …
ending a letter
if you have any further questions, please contact me on …
i look forward to hearing from you soon.
in due course.
in the near future.
1 订单类 handling order
2 询问类 enquiry and reply
3 投诉类 complaint and apology
4 告知变化类 notice of changes
5 邀请类 invitations
dear parveen
it was good to see you again last week and we are delighted that your silk blouses will be included in our winter catalogue.
as promised, listed below are the points agreed at the meeting.
1. the contract is for the sheba range of silk blouses in three colours.
2. you will grant us exclusive import rights for the blouses in the uk.
3. the quantity will be 5,000 pieces, with a further option of 3,000.
4. the price per piece will be $ 5.65 for the first 5,000. you will confirm the price for the optional 3,000 pieces.
5. payment will be by letter of credit.
6. the initial order will be ready ex factory by 1 august 2029.
i trust you will find this in order. i look forward to your written confirmation in due course.
best regards
stephanie powell
chief purchaser
dear stephanie,
thank you for your letter of 1 march. we are delighted that the sheba range will be in your catalogue.
there are, however, some small points which need clarifying.
the sheba range comes in six colours. please look at the samples and confirm which three colours you would like.
you referred to the further option of 3,000 pieces. i thought we had agreed on 4,000. please confirm the correct figure.
i can confirm the optional pieces will cost $ 5.25 each.
unfortunately, due to a full order book, we are unable to deliver by 1.8.99. the earliest date would be 15.8.99. i hope this will be acceptable.
i look forward to hearing from you soon.
yours sincerely,
parveen mirza
第五讲 商务信函(下)
letters of complaint
i am writing to complain about …
i am not satisfied with …
i must therefore insist that …