一. 分析教学内容,确定教学目标
本课是unit11的第一课时。其主目标是能用 “could you please do things?” “could i please do things?”谈论如何委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许可, 及回答语“sure / certainly / i’m glad to .”能礼貌地拒绝,“sorry, i / you can’t,. i / you have to do…”并表达自己的理由, 陈述自己的好恶。以do housework 和调查做力能所及的事为话题,学会运用“could you please do things?”“could i please do things?”是本课的语言目标。
本课的学习内容(target language)有:学习名词trash, clothes, floor, cleaning, , living room, washing. 情态动词can could.. 动词fold, cook, need to, sweep, take out, use, wash, give并且复习运用情态动词have to. 区别make与do在短语中的用法.
do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash. fold your clothes, clean the living room, do chores, have to do sth, like to do (doing) sth, make dinner, make your bed
could you please clean your room? yes, sure.
could you please do the dishes? sorry, i can’t. i have to do my homework.
could i please go to the movies? yes, you can.
could i please use the computer? no, you can’t. you must do the dishes at first.
本课话题来自学生的生活经历,学生在初一已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础,此外,学生已初步掌握了用祈使句和can you…?/can i…? 提出请求和建议, 为本课的学习打下了铺垫。
活动设计的话题从谈论家务---对家务的看法(好恶)---父母和孩子之间承担的家务---- 社交、休闲活动等生活的各个方面,各任务层层递进,与学生的生活紧密相连,又是学生饶有兴趣的内容,为表达提供了真实的材料,使得学生在各个活动中想说、有话说,使活动参与的范围广,达到任务的真实性,有效性。
could you/i please do things? yes, sure. / 。i/you can.
sorry, i / you can’t,.., i / you have to do…”
四. 教学过程
1. warming up
enjoy ourselves. watch cartoon small potato’s sunday.
2. learn new words and phrases
what kind of chores can you find in the cartoon?
学生通过在动画片段里找家务活,利用已学的简单词汇如make breakfast等导入新单词的学习。
look! what is it used for?
看图。通过问学生这些清洁用品的用处学习动词词组do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room.
3. memory game.
what is she doing? do you still remember?\
4. discuss.
what do you usually do on sunday?
先通过已学的简单句型,让学生再一次对所学的词汇进行练习。并在讨论后让学生做pair work来热身。
5. listening. 1b
peter’s chores or mom’s chores?
6. make a survey.
discuss in groups of four.
draw a smiling face on the chore you like and draw a crying face on the chore you dislike
then give a report.
通过做调查,复习句型i like … because…以及i don’t like … because…
chores like don’t like
do the dishes
sweep the floor
take out the trash
make your bed
fold your clothes
clean the living room
7. pair work
ask your partner for help
导入目标语言could you please do things? yes, sure.
sorry, i have to do…
哑剧表演。一位学生利用could you please do things?委婉地提出请求。另一位学生表演动作。活跃课堂气氛。
9.pair work
act out strict father or mother.
学习目标语言如何征求许可做某事。could i please do things? yes, sure.
no, you must …
并做pair work
how to be a better boy and girl?
让学生以小组的形式,采访自己的同学。讨论一次自己的周末计划。要帮助爸爸妈妈做什么家务活。在学习中学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动。并且复习已学句型 i’m going to do…
11. 颁奖。给每个小组里的最能干者发奖。适时给学生爱劳动,爱父母的教育
12. 总结本节课的教学重点。
13. homework
read the words and phrases you learn today.
make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.
一. 分析教学内容,确定教学目标
本课是unit11的第一课时。其主目标是能用 “could you please do things?” “could i please do things?”谈论如何委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许可, 及回答语“sure / certainly / i’m glad to .”能礼貌地拒绝,“sorry, i / you can’t,. i / you have to do…”并表达自己的理由, 陈述自己的好恶。以do housework 和调查做力能所及的事为话题,学会运用“could you please do things?”“could i please do things?”是本课的语言目标。
本课的学习内容(target language)有:学习名词trash, clothes, floor, cleaning, , living room, washing. 情态动词can could.. 动词fold, cook, need to, sweep, take out, use, wash, give并且复习运用情态动词have to. 区别make与do在短语中的用法.
do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash. fold your clothes, clean the living room, do chores, have to do sth, like to do (doing) sth, make dinner, make your bed
could you please clean your room? yes, sure.
could you please do the dishes? sorry, i can’t. i have to do my homework.
could i please go to the movies? yes, you can.
could i please use the computer? no, you can’t. you must do the dishes at first.
本课话题来自学生的生活经历,学生在初一已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础,此外,学生已初步掌握了用祈使句和can you…?/can i…? 提出请求和建议, 为本课的学习打下了铺垫。
活动设计的话题从谈论家务---对家务的看法(好恶)---父母和孩子之间承担的家务---- 社交、休闲活动等生活的各个方面,各任务层层递进,与学生的生活紧密相连,又是学生饶有兴趣的内容,为表达提供了真实的材料,使得学生在各个活动中想说、有话说,使活动参与的范围广,达到任务的真实性,有效性。
could you/i please do things? yes, sure. / 。i/you can.
sorry, i / you can’t,.., i / you have to do…”
四. 教学过程
1. warming up
enjoy ourselves. watch cartoon small potato’s sunday.
2. learn new words and phrases
what kind of chores can you find in the cartoon?
学生通过在动画片段里找家务活,利用已学的简单词汇如make breakfast等导入新单词的学习。
look! what is it used for?
看图。通过问学生这些清洁用品的用处学习动词词组do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, clean the living room.
3. memory game.
what is she doing? do you still remember?\
4. discuss.
what do you usually do on sunday?
先通过已学的简单句型,让学生再一次对所学的词汇进行练习。并在讨论后让学生做pair work来热身。
5. listening. 1b
peter’s chores or mom’s chores?
6. make a survey.
discuss in groups of four.
draw a smiling face on the chore you like and draw a crying face on the chore you dislike
then give a report.
通过做调查,复习句型i like … because…以及i don’t like … because…
chores like don’t like
do the dishes
sweep the floor
take out the trash
make your bed
fold your clothes
clean the living room
7. pair work
ask your partner for help
导入目标语言could you please do things? yes, sure.
sorry, i have to do…
哑剧表演。一位学生利用could you please do things?委婉地提出请求。另一位学生表演动作。活跃课堂气氛。
9.pair work
act out strict father or mother.
学习目标语言如何征求许可做某事。could i please do things? yes, sure.
no, you must …
并做pair work
how to be a better boy and girl?
让学生以小组的形式,采访自己的同学。讨论一次自己的周末计划。要帮助爸爸妈妈做什么家务活。在学习中学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动。并且复习已学句型 i’m going to do…
11. 颁奖。给每个小组里的最能干者发奖。适时给学生爱劳动,爱父母的教育
12. 总结本节课的教学重点。
13. homework
read the words and phrases you learn today.
make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.
一、 analysis of the text教材分析
1. teaching 教学内容:talk about personal traits and how to compare people 谈论人物的个性特征及如何对比人物
2.statue of the text教材的地位和作用
3.teaching goals教学目标:
1)language goal 知识目标 让学生掌握本课的词汇运用。
2)ability goal 能力目标 让学生学会用英语与他人谈论人的个性特征和使用形容词进行比较的话题,以及进一步提高学生的英语语言表达能力;
3)emotional goal 情感目标 激发学生的学习兴趣,体验英语语言的美,体验知识间的相互联系。让学生充满自信,体验成就感和合作精神。而且通过学习比较级使学生懂得在学习和生活中应相互理解、相互帮助、相互学习。
4. important points重点:掌握形容词比较级的变化规则及句型
5.difficult points难点:使用比较级自如表达
二、teaching methods 教学方法:
三、learning methods学法:
四、teaching steps教学程序:
activity i 活动一:leading in激趣导入
activity ii 活动二:warming up单词热身练习
要想让学生正确地使用比较级, 首先应掌握形容词比较级的变化规则。因此, 我给出一系列形容词及其比较级形式, 让学生通过仔细观察并得出形容词比较级的变化规则,然后朗读记忆。在这一环节,我使用了教学的归纳法, 意在培养学生的自主探究能力、观察能力和归纳能力。
activity iii 活动三:comparing句子热身练习
activity iv 活动四:a guessing game“猜谜”游戏
——who is he/she? 他/她是谁?
activity v 活动五:competition小组竞赛
activity vi 活动六:acting知识的拓展
此项活动后的小结也是本课的总结: “from this story we know, when we are better than others. don’t laugh at others. when someone is better than you, don’t be frustrated. no one is perfect. we should learn from each other and help each other.” 这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当你比别人强的时候,不要嘲笑别人;当你在某些方面不如别人时,不要自卑。没有人是完美的。在生活和学习中,我们应该相互帮助、相互学习。
activity vii 活动七:exercises巩固训练
常规性作业: 背记本单元的生词。
探究性作业:写作文一篇,标题是“my friend and i”。
六、blackboard design 板书设计:
they are twins.
they are both lovely.
xiaoya is calmer than li wen.
li wen is more outgoing than xiaoya
a is 形容词比较级 than b
1. 比较的对象不一致。如:my hair is longer than you.
2. 双音节形容词的比较级形式使用混乱。
一 、teaching content:(教学内容)
1.new words and phrases:hole,large,root,seedling,cover,fill,dirt,pack,dust,storm,dirty,
northern,bottom, fill……with,by the way,dust storm,turn into,for sure,in the bottom of…
2.understand the meaning of text.
3.talking about how to plant a tree.
二、teaching goals:(教学目标)
1.master the new words and phrases,understand the meaning of text.
2.learn about how to plant a tree.
3.why we should plant trees?how to protect the environment in our daily life?
三、key points:(重点)
new words and phrases,the text.
四、difficult points:(难点)
how to plant a tree?what are the basic steps for planting a tree?
五、teaching aids:(教学辅助) recorder, pictures or cards.
六、type of the lesson:(课程类型) new lesson.
七、teaching procedure:(教学过程)
step 1.analysis of the student.(学生分析)
1.greet the students in english and make sure they can response correctly.
do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.
2.review:in last unit,we talked about the weather and spring,and we talked about some activities in spring,and we knew that,when we think of spring,we think of a season of fresh air,we think of new life,green plants all around us.
3.review the grammar:word building.
step 2. lead in.(引入)
homework check.
come to “think about it”
when is tree planting day in china?
what are the basic steps for planting a tree?
step 3. new lesson.(新课)
no. 1 prepare lessons before class.
teach the new words and phrases.make sure the ss can read it correctly.
no. 2text:give them some time to read the text themselves. then let them act out the dialogue in groups. correct their pronunciation when necessary.
at last,the teacher explain the text in chinese,make sure the ss can understand the meaning of text.
no. 3important sentences:
it's also a great way to learn about nature.
it's fun and important to plant plants.
no. 4word building:
north →northern dirt →dirty
no. 5 finish “let's do it!”
step 4. play the tape for the ss to follow.
make the ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.
step 5.summary. (小结)
sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.
sum up the grammar.
step 6. homework.(作业)
finish the activity book and the practice.
copy the new words and phrases twice.
step 7.blackboard-writing:(板书)
the new words,the master phrases,important sentences.
the grammar and practice.
八。teaching reflection:(教后反思)
温故知新 复习短语
go swimming 去游泳 wait in line 排队 hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事
so am / do i 我也是。
it looks like rain 看上去要下雨了。
wait for the bus/ train 等车 be late for/to 迟到
i hope so/not. 我希望如此/我不希望这样。
1、学生观察1a中的图片相互提问:a:what can you see in picture 1?
b: i can see……. a:what are they doing? b: they are …….(学生通过相互提问熟悉图画内容,为听力做准备。)
2、教师让学生归纳1a-2c中所出现的反意疑问句,让学生观察、总结反意疑问句的构成。知识剖析: 反意疑问句要点简述
其基本结构有两种:一是“肯定陈述句 简略否定问句”;
二是“否定陈述句 简略肯定问句”。
如:it looks like rain, doesn’t it?
he doesn’t need to work so late, does he?
1. 陈述部分是there be 句型,疑问部分也用 there be 句型。
there is a book on the desk, isn’t there?
2. 陈述部分如有 nothing, nobody, never, few, little, hardly 等否定词时(不包括加否定前缀变来的,如:dislike, unhappy等),疑问部分用肯定形式。
they have never been to the farm, have they?
there is little water in the glass, is there?
he dislikes history, doesn’t he?
3. 陈述部分为祈使句时,反义部分用 will you , won’t you 。以let’s开头的祈使句,疑问部分用 shall we .
go to the cinema now, will you?
let’s have a party, shall we?
4. 陈述部分含宾语从句时,疑问部分一般反问主句,但主句含有 i/we think/believe/suppose … 时, 疑问部分要反问从句(要注意否定转移情况)。
he knew that the woman was a thief, didn’t he ?
i don’t think he is a good student, is he?
( )1.the poor man needs our help,_____ he?
a. isn’t b. aren’t c. doesn’t d. hasn’t
( )2.it seldom rains here in spring,_____?
a. is it b. does it c. isn’t it d. doesn’t it
( )3.you don’t drink milk in the morning,_____?
a. do you b. don’t you c. are you d. aren’t you
( )4.—look at the sky . i think the rain is going to stop soon.
a. me too b very good c. yes, i do d.i hope so
1、掌握反意疑问句的结构及运用。 2、学会使用i hope so.
( )1.he is a singer,__________ __________?
( )2.they are playing baseball,__________ __________?
( )3.he walks to school every day,__________ __________?
( )4.it looks like rain,__________ __________?
( )5.you like this dress,__________ __________?